1. Strang, K.D. (2024). Using machine learning to explore government IT project performance from big data: A managerial view. International Journal of Business Performance Management. (2024). 2. Strang, K.D. (2024). Big Data Analytics Exploration of Retail Financial Investor Trust Factors. Peer-review in Journal. 3. Strang, K.D. (2024). Discovering Cybercrime Risk in Employee Behavior Big Data with Unsupervised Machine Learning and Personality Theories. (2024). 4. Strang, K.D., & Vajjhala, N.R. (2024). Benefits and Challenges of Modern Cyber-Physical Information Systems and Society, in Jain, A. Wang, J. & Yadav, A. K. (eds.), Research Handbook on Information Systems and Society). UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. 5. Strang, K.D., & Vajjhala, N.R. (2024). Integrating Industry-Crowdsourced Projects in University Capstone Courses: A Comparative Study Using Parametric Statistics and Sentiment Analysis. Peer-review in Journal. 6. Strang, K.D., & Vajjhala, N.R. (2024). Profitability, effectiveness, operational efficiency, and market growth of SMEs in Albania after piloting data analytics. Peer-review in Journal. 7. Strang, K.D., & Vajjhala, N.R. (2024). Analyzing project manager commitment through machine learning applied to fuzzy big data. Peer-review in Journal. 8. Vajjhala, N.R., & Strang, K.D. (2024). Industrial Companies inside University Courses. Accepted EDUINNE Conference Poland. 9. Vajjhala, N.R., & Strang, K.D. (2024). A Big Data Approach to Understanding Managerial Engagement in Projects. Peer-review WorldCIST'24 Conference. 10. Vajjhala, N.R., & Strang, K.D. (2024). How Data Analytical Skills Taught at College Improve Small Businesses in a Developing European Nation? Peer-review ICIESTR 0Conference. 11. Strang, K.D., & Vajjhala, N.R. (2024*). Practical Project Management in Selected Industries based on International Standards. https://equinocs.springernature.com/service/IPPM-2024 12. Vajjhala, N.R., & Strang, K.D. (2024*). Cross-Cultural Project Management for Practitioners in Asia, Africa, and Europe. https://equinocs.springernature.com/service/PM4P-2024 13. Strang, K.D., & Szekely, B. (2024). Critically analyzing cybercrime resilience problems in the European supply chain industry: A preliminary best practice radial model. [Cybersecurity Knowledge Book]. 14. Strang, K.D., & Vajjhala, N.R. (2024*). Evaluating ESG Scores by Examining Anti-Corruption Governance in Large Financial Asset Management Firms. Financial Sustainability Journal.