Logo for cybersecurity for Decision Makers Cybersecurity for Decision Makers (2023) + Cybersecurity in Knowledge Management: Cyberthreats and Solutions (in progress sue 2025-2026)
Strang, K. D. (Project Manager + Co-Editor) & Vajjhala, N. R. (Co-Editor); Williams, G. (Project Sponsor); USA: Routledge/Taylor + Francis/CRC Press (Project Authority); ISBN: 9781032334974
Overview: This book explores cybersecurity from a decision-making role rather than a purely technical viewpoint. The target audience includes: Cybersecurity managers, leaders, executive decision makers, researchers, university professors, school teachers, company trainers, and security practitioners. We are aligned with United Nations sustainable development goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive sustainable industrialization and foster innovation. Preface

RQ1. Why should decision makers be aware of cybersecurity, what should  this awareness include, and who should be informed?
RQ2. How can organizations assess their cybersecurity vulnerabilities and what benchmarks, indicators or maturity levels would be relevant?
RQ3. How has cybersecurity attacks impacted different industries, organizations and in different countries; what are the case studies and lessons learned?
RQ4. Which cybersecurity applications or defenses ought to be selected for prevention or mitigation, and how/when/where should they be implemented?
RQ5. What organizational learning, training and or onboarding are needed to make companies resilient against cybersecurity attacks?
RQ6. What pedagogy and knowledge are needed to train future generations, in school, college, and in continuing education or research institutions?
RQ7. What are the literature gaps and what future research is needed to advance the state-of-the-art in the cybersecurity field for stakeholders?

Cybersecurity in Knowledge Management: Cyberthreats and Solutions - a new edition with Taylor + Francis, currently in progress, extending our original book published in 2023.

Topic areas include (but are not limited to): Important dates (email first editor for questions at narasimharaonarasimha@gmail.com):
  • Introduction to cybersecurity and cybercrime - why cybersecurity is needed and who needs it
  • Contemporary cybersecurity issues and risks for decision makers
  • Cybersecurity frameworks and assessment models
  • Cybersecurity project and risk management
  • Cybersecurity ethics and privacy
  • Cybersecurity organizational readiness, research analytics
  • Business continuity and recovery after cyber attacks
  • Cyber economics, research frameworks, cost of mitigation
  • Cybersecurity leadership, communities of practice
  • How and why cybersecurity impacts other disciplines
  • Cybersecurity attack case studies, lessons learned
  • Cybersecurity college student education and company employee training
  • Analyzing cybersecurity with artificial intelligence, machine learning, parametric/nonparametric statistics.
  • Expression of interest (EoI) - a draft title with keywords - due end of day: 12 June 2022 (Complete)
    Upload proposed chapter title, and brief abstract or puropse to our book submission site;
    Publication is free (no charges to  authors), indexing is planned for Scopus, WSCI and maybe others;
  • Draft chapter due: 30 July 2022 (Complete)
    Follow CHAPTER STYLE GUIDE, include title/abstract/author/keywords in manuscript; ensure title reflects content; The paper needs to be updated (at least 30%) from any of your previous publications (if applicable);
    There should be at least 10 references, and at least 3 sources dated no earlier than 2021;
    The length of chapter should be 7,000-12,000 words (roughly 12-25 pages, single spaced, including references);
    APA active writing style and references should be used; upload to above submission site;
  • Peer review period: 1 July - 1 September 2022 (in parallel with  fast-track accepted chapters) (Complete)
    Authors asked to contribute 2 peer reviews and will be added to book meta-data as Editorial Board Members;
  • Finalized chapter due: 30 September 2022 (Complete)
    After receiving peer reviews, apply them, add author bio(s), upload revised final chapter with revision tracking on;
    Each author must electronically complete/sign the rights and agreement, email to Rao (otherwise it will be rejected);
  • Final acceptance notification: 1 December 2022 (Complete)
    We will confirm acceptance, we will finalize the book and then transfer our work to the publisher.

Picture of Dr. Narasimha Rao Vajjhala

Associate Professor Narasimha Rao Vajjhala
School of IT & Computing, Nigeria;
University of New York,
Tirana, Albania.


Photo of Professor Kenneth David Strang

Professor Kenneth David Strang
W3-Research, New York; USA,
University of the Cumberlands, Kentucky; USA;
RMIT University, Australia


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